Enhanced educational experience.
Supported by a dedicated key worker, the children attending Quinton House Nursery and Preschool benefit from an enhanced education that prepares them for a highly successful school experience.
With small class sizes and a determination to ensure every child is ready for the transition to our Reception class. We work at their pace, ensuring they are able to enjoy and get actively involved in every session. In the process, we attain levels of success and achievement that exceed nationally-expected standards.
The Nursery and Preschool timetable includes:
Our aim is for all children to develop a truly positive relationship with learning.
Quinton Nursery and Preschool is the first chapter in their educational journey and we are committed to making it a very inspirational start. Our curriculum is based on The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). The EYFS sets out the requirements for the learning and development of our young students.
There are four key areas of learning, which are:
Developing an understanding of the world
Expressive arts and design
Each of these areas of learning is interconnected, and plays a vital role in the academic, physical, social, emotional and communication development of a child.
Early literacy, the Read, Write Inc. (RWI) phonics programme and numeracy are taught throughout the week in a variety of ways that engage the children’s senses. Music and sport feature in our Nursery and Preschool curriculum and Forest School is attended once a week.
Our approach is to combine exciting free play and experiential opportunities, such as creative and performing arts, our ever changing ‘home corner’ (which can be anything from a Veterinary Surgery to Travel Agency) and STEM activities, with more structured learning opportunities such as counting activities and water trays for Science.